Cell Biology BSC110


BE PREPARED FOR A CAREER IN HEALTH AND SCIENCES! An essential foundation course for all people interested in human health, animal care and animal studies. The cell is the basic unit of life. Its knowledge is most essential to understand how life works for higher animals and plants.

SKU: BSC110 Category:

An understanding of cell biology is important in many areas of study, for the cell is the building block of all living forms. This course complements studies in any area of applied biology including human health and fitness, horticulture, agriculture and wildlife management.

Student Comment: “The course was better than I expected. I am studying a Bachelor of Health Science next year at university. I gained far more knowledge from this course than I expected.” J.McEwan


This course contains 11 lessons as follows:

  1. Introduction to Cells
  2. Chemical Composition
  3. Chemical Processes
  4. Genetic Information
  5. Membranes
  6. Nucleus
  7. Protein Structure and Function in the Cell
  8. Bioenergetics
  9. Cell Signaling/Communication
  10. The Cell Cycle
  11. Tissues


  • Review basic cell structure and discuss the scope and nature of cell biology.
  • Describe the chemical components and processes of cells.
  • Describe the storage of genetic information within cells and how this information is passed on to the next generation.
  • Describe key concepts in molecular biology.
  • Discuss membrane structure and transport across cell membranes.
  • Discuss protein structure and function.
  • Describe and discuss protein synthesis.
  • Describe the significant processes involved in transfer and storage of energy in a cell.
  • Describe the significant processes that occur in cell communication and intracellular transport
  • Describe the life cycle of cells and how they combine to create different types of tissues